Vacancies at Kings Young Learners
Thank you for your interest in Kings.
Vacancies are closed for 2024, please check out our page around Christmas time for an update on 2025 vacancies.
If you have any questions in the meantime, you are welcome to fill in the "expression of interest" form below or email us at
Become part of our team
UK-based jobs
- Please check our page in January for 2025 vacancies and job descriptions
USA-based jobs
- Please check our page in January for 2025 vacancies and job descriptions
Other vacancies at Kings
Kings Education also have Teacher and Activity Leader roles available for non-residential staff at our year round schools based in Beckenham London and at Braidley Road Bournemouth. Please contact : for information on our Bournemouth roles and for further detail on roles at Beckenham London