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Student welfare and safety are always our top priorities at Kings Young Leaners.

We understand and acknowledge the trust that you put in us and take our responsibility very seriously. When you send your child to the UK or to the USA to study, you need to be confident that everything is done to make sure they are protected and safe.

That is why we have specific policies and procedures in place for all junior students who attend our programmes.

Our locations have all been selected for their safe and secure environments, and we offer only the highest levels of supervision.

Safety policies

​General safety policies

To ensure students are safe at all times, the following measures are in place:

  • Lessons are compulsory for all students under the age of 18.
  • At our City centres the homestay providers and residence supervisors are responsible for students at their accommodation, and ensure that curfews are followed every night. 
  • At the Residential Summer Centres House Parents or Night Supervisors monitor the halls of residence throughout the night time period.
  • Teachers take attendance registers at the start of every lesson and registers are taken on activities and excursions.
  • There is a designated Welfare Manager at each of our locations.
  • There are designated staff with first aid training at each centre.
  • All staff undergo basic safeguarding training with some managers receiving further training, both online and in-person
  • Staff to student ratios are excellent at approximately 1:6.
  • Individual students at the Residential Summer Centres are allocated a staff member to act as their guardian during their stay. They will have a daily meeting throughout their stay.
  • Students are all issued with ID cards and wristbands with emergency contact information.
  • We have strict recruitment procedures and staff are hired subject to suitable references and background checks.
  • A 24-hour emergency phone service for students, staff and parents is in place.
  • We have a regularly reviewed child safeguarding policy.
  • Child safeguarding forms an integral part of staff training; all staff and group leaders are required to complete safeguarding training.

Free time

Residential Summer Centres

Students under the age of 18* are not permitted to leave the Centre without supervision. There is 24-hour supervision within the Centre.

*At London (South Bank), those aged 16 and 17 may sign out in a minimum group size of three, and have a curfew of 22:30.

Year-round Centres

Students who come as part of a group are the responsibility of the Group Leader when not in lessons. A member of Kings staff is given the role of 'group leader' for individuals aged under 16.

In Bournemouth and Oxford students can go into the town centre unsupervised after lessons and in the evenings/ weekends. In London students are not  permitted to travel into the city without supervision by a member of staff or their Group Leader.


  • Students under 16 must return to their homestay or residence by 21:30
  • Students aged 16 or 17 must return by 22:30
  • Students aged under 16 are not given their own house key in homestay accommodation

Contact information

Emergency Contact form

An Emergency Contact form must be completed prior to arrival by all students attending our courses.

Phone numbers

We provide a 24-hour emergency number on confirmation of booking.

On arrival, students are given a student card and a wristband to wear with the emergency contact number on.

Mobile phone numbers for students and their parents are recorded as part of the individual notes we hold on our student database.

SIM cards and phones

We strongly recommend that all students buy or pre-order a UK or USA SIM card or a SIM and phone package so that it is as easy as possible for Kings staff to maintain contact with them while they are with us.

Excursions policies

Residential Summer Centres / Experience / Oxford Summer Academy & Medical Summer

  • Excursions are compulsory for all courses and registration is taken on each excursion.
  • All students are registered and their mobile phone numbers are collected during the excursion journey (if not already registered during their first week). Students are re‑counted and re‑registered on a regular basis throughout the excursion.
  • Students aged 12 and under must stay with their Group Leader or Kings staff at all times.
  • Students aged 13 – 15 must stay in small groups (3 or more students) and in a clearly designated area (such as a main shopping street) during their free time.
  • Students aged 16+ will have free time and should return to the designated meeting point at the time agreed with the guide.
  • During agreed free time on excursions, the guide will wait at a designated place so that they are easy to see and/ or contact.

Thank you for your enquiry.
We'll be in touch soon.
The Kings Admissions Team