Polina from Russia was accepted for transfer by four different Top 50 universities, and hopes to double major in Computer Science and Game Development.
"I studied English from a young age, and when I was in high school I was a foreign exchange student. I really liked the high school experience, and I thought the college experience would be similar."
"I would like to become a game programmer. I’m not great at drawing, but I’m good at coding. So, I think this is a good being a game programmer. Most likely, I’ll work for a few years and then do a Master’s degree.
I went to UWO, Fox Cities because it had courses in Computer Science. I choose Kings because they have advisors, which I believed would help me in a foreign country.
Objected-Oriented Programming II was my favorite class. It was the first class where I started learning new things, and this was great because it’s in computer programming. I found Physics I to be most challenging because you’re supposed to work really hard in class and also work hard on your own outside of class.
So far, I’ve been accepted to the University of Southern California (#24), New York University (#30), the University of California—Irvine (#35), the University of Wisconsin-Madison (#42), (and the University of Utah (#97). Kings Progression Advisors helped me to know the requirements at each school."