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For GO: Programs at Cal State Fullerton

Last updated November 2024

This agreement constitutes a commitment for two consecutive academic years. As such, Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses and to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month’s written notice to all affected parties.

1. Acceptance of Application

To accept your participation and reserve a place, you will need to make a non-refundable deposit payment and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Once the payment and signed agreement are received, all relevant visa documentation will be sent to the requested address, including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements.

2. Payment of Fees

Payment for your first two semesters’ fees are due prior to the first day of your first semester in the GO program. Payments by semester are not allowed. Following the completion of your first two semesters in the program, payment for semesters three and four is required prior to beginning semester three. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are still outstanding. You will be required to leave the program if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment by the time the semester begins.

All fees are paid to Kings Education and can be paid by credit card or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender. Payment by credit card is subject to a surcharge of 2% for Visa and MasterCard, AMEX 3.5%.

The deposit payment shall be applied to the first semester of the GO:Program.

3. Refund Terms

3a. Cancellation of your program

If you cancel prior to arrival in the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred (airport transfer, courier fee). The enrollment fee and deposit payment are non-refundable except with documented proof of a visa denial.

If you cancel prior to the start of the program but after entering the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees are non-refundable.

3b. Withdrawing from your program anytime during your first semester orientation or after

If you wish to withdraw from the GO program after starting the program, all tuition and fees are non-refundable.

3c. Withdrawal from Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory for your first two GO:Program semesters. Any residence stay completed during the Undergraduate Preparation/GO:Prepared Program does not waive or alter this requirement.

If you wish to withdraw from residence during the first two semesters of your program, there is no refund.

Beginning with semester 3 and for any subsequent semester the following rules apply:

  • There is a 60-day notice requirement BEFORE the start of the next semester.
  • If your date of notice to withdraw from residence is any time during the semester or LESS than 60 days before the semester, there is no refund

4. General Notes on Refunds

  • Bank charges— all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for the program.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • All approved refunds will be paid within 45 days from the date of your cancellation/withdrawal notice.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.
  • All tuition and non-tuition refunds will be calculated using regular published rates. Any applied promotion, past pricing, or scholarship will no longer be valid.
  • Non-refundable fees vary and may include the deposit payment, courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, tuition and accommodation depending on the reason and time of cancellation or withdrawal outlined in Section 3 above.

5. Academic Decisions

California State University, Fullerton and/or Kings reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class.

Students are accepted in good faith into the program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the program.

6. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to the Cal State Fullerton and/or Kings disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian. Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa.

Cal State Fullerton standards of academic conduct policies can be found here:

7. Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory for the first two semesters. Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the deposit, and placements will be based on a number of factors, including arrival date and age. All students are expected to abide by residential policies found in the housing agreement provided upon arrival.

Students arriving after 8pm or before 2pm or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and will be required to book an airport transfer. All accommodation is non-smoking. Students are responsible for any damages caused to the residence.

8. Insurance

All students will be automatically enrolled in a U.S. based medical insurance upon arrival.

9. Publicity Materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

10. Federal Holidays and Center Closure

The typical academic term includes a number of holiday breaks. See the Cal State Fullerton Academic Calendar for exact dates:

No refund or compensation is given for lessons missed due to holidays or other official class cancellations.

11. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section 13.

12. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to University property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

13. Student Information

At the time of application, students are requested to sign a release form authorizing Kings and Cal State Fullerton to share information about the student with designated officials of the University, Kings, parents and/or representatives. It is part of the unique nature of the GO:Program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

14. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

15. Medical Intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings and CSUF to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings and Cal State Fullerton to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act accordingly. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

16. Activities and Excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings, CSUF, and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

17. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings and CSUF.

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Policies and procedures

Our policies and procedures for our US locations are available to view on request. Please get in touch with us.

If you are a student at one of our US schools and you want to tell us about something you are not happy about, you can use our Grievance form.

The information will be emailed directly to the Center Director of the school you are or were attending.

Grievance form

For GO: Prepared Programs in Los Angeles

Last updated January 2024

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month written notice to all affected parties.

1. Application

Application Fee: There is a non-refundable application fee payable before the processing of your application. You or your agent must send your completed application form with relevant transcripts and any supplementary documentation to Kings USA Admissions. We will acknowledge your application within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) and, if accepted, send an offer of a place within 4-5 working days.

2. Offer of Place

Our offer of a place will include a study plan based on your academic ability and English language level. The offer will include an invoice for tuition, accommodation, plus applicable fees.

3. Visa Documentation

Once we have received your non-refundable deposit, we will hold a place and send all relevant visa documentation including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements. Please advise us as soon as your visa is granted.

4. Payment of Fees

  • If your program is four months or less, you will be required to pay for all tuition and fees on the first day of instruction.
  • If your program is more than four months, the first four months of tuition and fees must be paid on the first day of instruction. When 50 percent of the program has been offered, full payment of the remainder of the tuition and fees will be due.

Fees can be paid by money order, credit card, or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender.
IMPORTANT: when making your payment please ensure that you transmit sufficient funds to cover the bank charges and to cover the dollar amount shown on the invoice at the exchange rate of the day. Payment by credit card is subject to a surcharge of 2%, AMEX 3.5%.

You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are outstanding. You will be required to leave the course if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment.

5. Refund Terms

5a. Cancellation due to visa refusal

If your visa is refused, all fees will be refunded.

5b. Cancellation/Withdrawal for other reasons
In accordance with regulations in the State of California:.

  • Notice of cancellation must be in writing.
  • If notice of cancellation is made through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later, 100% of tuition will be refunded. Accommodation and insurance fees will be refunded less any actual costs incurred. The enrollment fee and other service charges (airport transfer, courier fee, campus support fee, housing application fee) are non-refundable up to a maximum total of $250.

Notice of withdrawal may be in writing or may be effectuated by the student’s conduct, including, but not necessarily limited to, lack of attendance.
If you are unable to complete your course after beginning studies, the following tuition refunds apply:

  • If withdrawal occurs after completing 60 percent or less of the period of attendance, a pro rata refund will be given.
  • If withdrawal occurs after completing over 60 percent of the period of attendance, no refund will be given.

In order to finalize a withdrawal, you must request the change to a Kings staff member. You will be given a Change Request Form (CRF) showing what your last day of attendance will be, as well as a refund quote based on your notice date and final date. Signing this form will finalize your withdrawal.
If you are enrolled in GO: 50 or GO: 100 and wish to cancel that, please refer to the Cancellation policy.

5c. Cancellation of accommodation
To cancel accommodation, a minimum of four weeks notice must be given in writing to Kings staff. A refund will be made of the unused accommodation fee less the applicable notice period.
Students who move out without giving the proper notice period, or who must leave the residence due to conduct or disciplinary reasons, will be charged 4 weeks accommodation fees in lieu of notice. A partial week may be counted as 1 week's accommodation.

5d. Cancellation of Insurance

Insurance will be charged for all used weeks. A pro-rata refund will be made of the unused weeks. Students who do not give notification of cancellation (no show) or withdrawal will be charged the cost incurred from the start date to the date of determination of withdrawal/cancellation.

6. General Notes on Refunds

  • Bank charges — all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Accommodation deposits — will be refunded to the fee-payer after deductions for any disbursements or damage.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for courses.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • If you never attend class (no-show) or cancel prior to the class start date, all refunds will be made within 45 days of the first scheduled date of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is earlier.
    • If you withdraw, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance and will be paid within 45 days for the documented date of determination.
    • The date of determination is (a) the date you give notice of withdrawal to Kings; (b) the date Kings administratively withdraws you, or (c) the date Kings terminates you due to your failure to adhere to our attendance, conduct, or student progress policy.
    • If you provide advanced notice of withdrawal such that the 45-day window ends before the last date of attendance, the refund will be paid within 45 calendar days from the last date of attendance.
  • All tuition and non-tuition refunds will be calculated using regular published tuition rates. Any applied promotion or past pricing will no longer be valid.
  • Prorated refunds will be calculated on a daily basis.
  • All non-tuition items refunds will be calculated on a weekly basis. When determining the number of weeks, Kings will consider a partial week the same as if a whole week were completed if you were present at least one day during the scheduled week.
  • Subsequent Periods of Financial Obligation or Enrollment periods (Extensions):
    For students who have completed the first period of financial obligation or extended their enrollment at Kings, but whose last date of attendance occurs before or at 60 percent of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition for that period. For students whose last date of attendance occurs after 60 percent of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain all of the tuition for that period.
  • In the event of Kings cancelling or terminating a course, a full refund of all unused fees will be made.
  • Non-refundable fees include courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, campus support fee and housing application fee.
  • Refund amounts will be based on a student’s last date of attendance.
  • In the event no notice of withdrawal (written or verbal) is provided, Kings will automatically administratively withdraw the student after s/he has been absent for 10 consecutive school days (excluding scheduled breaks) and complete a refund calculation.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via an agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.

7. Academic decisions

Kings reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class. For GO: Prepared, students are accepted into a study plan with understanding that successful completion of the study plan is contingent on satisfactory attendance and attainment of specified grades.

Students who do not meet the criteria for successful completion will not be allowed to proceed with their original study plan. Students may be offered alternative study options, including, but not limited to, retaking their course, and/or a change in their study plan. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

Students are accepted in good faith into the Kings program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the Kings program.

8. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to Kings and/or Pine Manor disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian.
Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa. Nonattendance of students holding a Kings I-20 is reported to the Department of Homeland Security.
Students attending the Kings GO: Prepared program will be governed by and subject to Kings' standards of academic conduct.

9. Accommodation

Students arriving between 10pm and 6am or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and/or be required to book an airport transfer.
  • Accommodation weeks are from Sunday to Saturday. Arrivals past 10pm require an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Saturday and/or departing Sunday will be charged for (an) extra night(s) and must book an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Monday–Friday will be charged a full week and must book an airport transfer.

10. Insurance

All Kings students must have appropriate accident and medical insurance during their time in the USA. Insurance to cover personal property, breakages, loss and damage is also strongly recommended.
Insurance is provided through Kings. Students will be automatically invoiced for insurance throughout the full length of their program. Insurance booked through Kings is charged at a weekly rate.

11. Publicity materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

12. Federal Holidays and Center Closure

Tuition is not given on federal holidays (2024: January 1, January 15, February 19, May 27, June,19, July 4, September 2, October 14, November 11, November 28 – 29, December 25; 2025: January 1, January 20, February 17, May 26, June 19, July 4, September 1, October 13, November 11, November 27 – 28, December 25). The School is also closed between December 23, 2024 and January 5, 2025 inclusive (schools re-open January 6, 2025).

13. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section 13.

14. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to college property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

15. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

16. Medical intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act in accordance with your wishes. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

17. Activities and excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

18. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings.

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GO Programs in New York, University of Mount Saint Vincent

Last updated November 2024

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses and to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month written notice to all affected parties.

1. Acceptance of Application

To accept your participation and reserve a place, you will need to make a non-refundable deposit payment and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Once the payment and signed agreement are received, all relevant visa documentation will be sent to the requested address, including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements.

2. Payment of fees

Payment for your first two semesters’ fees are due prior to the first day of your first semester in the GO: Program. Payments by semester are not allowed during your first year. Following the completion of your first year in the program, semester payments can be made before the start of each semester of study. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are still outstanding. You will be required to leave the program if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment by the time the semester begins.

All fees are paid to Kings Education and can be paid by credit card or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender.

The deposit payment shall be applied to the first semester of the GO: Program.

3. Refund Terms

3a. Cancellation of your program

If you cancel prior to arrival in the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred (airport transfer, courier fee). The enrollment fee and deposit payment are non-refundable except with documented proof of a visa denial.

If you cancel prior to the start of the program but after entering the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees are non-refundable.

3b. Withdrawing from your program anytime during your first semester orientation or after

If you wish to withdraw from the GO program after starting the program, all tuition and fees are non-refundable.

3c. Withdrawal from Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory for your first two GO:Program semesters. Any residence stay completed during the Undergraduate Preparation/GO:Prepared Program does not waive or alter this requirement.

If you wish to withdraw from residence during the first two semesters of your program, there is no refund.

Beginning with semester 3 and for any subsequent semester the following rules apply:

  • There is a 60-day notice requirement BEFORE the start of the next semester.
  • If your date of notice to withdraw from residence is any time during the semester or LESS than 60 days before the semester, there is no refund

4. General Notes on Refunds

  • Bank charges— all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for the program.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • All approved refunds will be paid within 45 days from the date of your cancellation/withdrawal notice.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.
  • All tuition and non-tuition refunds will be calculated using regular published rates. Any applied promotion, past pricing, or scholarship will no longer be valid.
  • Non-refundable fees vary and may include the deposit payment, courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, tuition and accommodation depending on the reason and time of cancellation or withdrawal outlined in Section 3 above.

5. Academic decisions

Kings and/or The College of Mount Saint Vincent reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class.

Students are accepted in good faith into the program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the program.

6. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to the University of Mount Saint Vincent and/or Kings disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian. Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa.

The University of Mount Saint Vincent standards of academic conduct policies can be found here:

7. Accommodation

Residential accommodation during the GO: Program is mandatory. Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the deposit, and placements will be based on a number of factors, including arrival date and age. All students are expected to abide by the University of Mount Saint Vincent housing policies found here:

Students arriving after 8pm or before 2pm or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and will be required to book an airport transfer. All accommodation is non-smoking. Students are responsible for any damages caused to the residence.

If you wish to cancel accommodation during the GO: Program, you will adhere to the University of Mount Saint Vincent rules and regulations found here:

8. Insurance

All Kings students are required to purchase a health insurance plan written specifically for them by the University of Mount Saint Vincent.

Information about the plan is available on the following web page:

9. Publicity materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

10. Federal Holidays and University Closure

All students will be accommodated in housing facilities on campus at the University of Mount Saint Vincent. Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the housing application form, and placements will be based on arrival time, duration of program and student’s age.

11. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section.

12. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to university property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

13. Student information

Through the Kings GO: Program application, students are sharing their information with Kings Education and the University of Mount Saint Vincent. The admissions decisions are shared between the University of Mount Saint Vincent with Kings. The student will then be asked to sign a release form authorizing Kings and the University of Mount Saint Vincent to share information about the student once matriculated with parents and/or representatives. It is part of the unique nature of the GO: Program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

14. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

15. Medical intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings and the University of Mount Saint Vincent to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings and the University of Mount Saint Vincent to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act in accordance with your wishes. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

16. Activities and excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings, The University of Mount Saint Vincent and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

17. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer.

All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings and the University of Mount Saint Vincent.

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For GO: Prepared Programs in New York

Last updated November 2024

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses and to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month written notice to all affected parties.

1. Application

Application Fee: There is a non-refundable application fee payable before the processing of your application. You or your agent must send your completed application form with relevant transcripts and any supplementary documentation to Kings USA Admissions. We will acknowledge your application within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) and, if accepted, send an offer of a place within 4-5 working days.

2. Offer of a place

Our offer of a place will include a study plan based on your academic ability and English language level. The offer will include an invoice for tuition, accommodation, plus applicable fees.

3. Visa documentation

Once we have received your deposit, we will hold a place and send all relevant visa documentation including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements. Please advise us as soon as your visa is granted.

4. Payment of fees

Fees can be paid by money order, credit card, or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender. IMPORTANT: when making your payment please ensure that you transmit sufficient funds to cover the bank charges and to cover the dollar amount shown on the invoice at the exchange rate of the day.

Full fees are due by the course start date. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are outstanding. You will be required to leave the course if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment.

5a. Cancellation due to visa refusal

If your visa is refused, all fees will be refunded.

5b. Cancellation/Withdrawal for other reasons


  • If you cancel prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attend class (no show), all tuition, accommodation and insurance fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred. The enrolment fee and other service charges (airport transfer, courier fee, campus support fee) are non-refundable up to a maximum total of $500.
  • If you are accepted by Kings and enter the US on the school's I-20 and subsequently cancel prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attend class (no show), Kings may retain: - For an enrollment period of fewer than 12 weeks, all the tuition charges for up to four weeks, actual housing costs incurred, and a maximum total of $500 for non-refundable charges. - For an enrollment period of 12 weeks or more, all the tuition charges for up to six weeks, actual housing costs incurred by the institution, and a maximum total of $500 for nonrefundable charges.


If you are unable to complete your course after beginning studies, the following tuition refunds apply.

5b (i) First Period of Financial Obligation (Initial Enrollment)

For students whose last day of attendance occurs at any point in the first four weeks, Kings will retain all charges applicable to the first four weeks.

For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the first four weeks but before or at the mid-point of their period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition.

For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint, Kings will retain all of the charges for that period.

5b (ii) Subsequent Periods of Financial Obligation or Enrollment periods (Extensions)

For students who have completed the first period of financial obligation or extended their enrollment at Kings, but whose last date of attendance occurs before or at the

midpoint of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition for that period.

For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain all of the tuition for that period.

5c. Cancellation of accommodation

To cancel accommodation, a minimum of four weeks notice must be given in writing to Kings staff. A refund will be made of the unused accommodation fee less the applicable notice period.

Students who move out without giving the proper notice period, or who must leave the residence due to conduct or disciplinary reasons, will be charged 4 weeks accommodation fees in lieu of notice. A partial week may be counted as one week’s accommodation.

5d. Cancellation of Insurance

Insurance will be charged for all used weeks. A pro-rata refund will be made of the unused weeks. Students who do not give notification of cancellation (no show) or withdrawal will be charged the cost incurred from the start date to the date of determination of withdrawal/cancellation.

6. General notes on refunds

  • Bank charges — all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Accommodation deposits — will be refunded to the fee-payer after deductions for any disbursements or damages.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for courses.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • If you never attend class (no-show) or cancel prior to the class start date, all refunds will be made within 45 days of the first scheduled date of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is earlier.
    • If you withdraw, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance and will be paid within 45 days for the documented date of determination.
    • The date of determination is (a) the date you give notice of withdrawal to Kings; (b) the date Kings administratively withdraws you, or (c) the date Kings terminates you due to your failure to adhere to our attendance, conduct, or student progress policy.
    • If you provide advanced notice of withdrawal such that the 45-day window ends before the last date of attendance, the refund will be paid within 45 calendar days from the last date of attendance.
    • Prorated refunds will be calculated on a weekly basis. When determining the number of weeks, Kings will consider a partial week the same as if a whole week were completed if you were present at least one day during the scheduled week.
  • In the event of Kings cancelling or terminating a course, a full refund of all unused fees will be made.
  • Non-refundable fees include courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, campus support fee and housing application fee. Refund amounts will be based on a student’s last date of attendance.
  • In the event no notice of withdrawal (written or verbal) is provided, Kings will automatically administratively withdraw the student after s/he has been absent for 10 consecutive school days (excluding scheduled breaks) and complete a refund calculation.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via an agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.

7. Academic decisions

Kings and/or Concordia reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class. For GO: Prepared, students are accepted into a study plan with understanding that successful completion of the study plan is contingent on satisfactory attendance and attainment of specified grades.

Students who do not meet the criteria for successful completion will not be allowed to proceed with their original study plan. Students may be offered alternative study options, including, but not limited to, retaking their course, and/or a change in their study plan. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

Students are accepted in good faith into the Kings program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the Kings program.

8. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to Kings and/or Concordia disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian.

Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa. Non attendance of students holding a Kings I-20 is reported to the Department of Homeland Security.

Students attending the GO: Prepared Program will be governed by and subject to Kings' standards of academic conduct. Students residing in accommodation provided by University of Mount Saint Vincent are subject to, and must adhere to the University's Housing rules.

9. Accommodation

All students will be accommodated in housing facilities on campus at the University of Mount Saint Vincent. Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the housing application form, and placements will be based on arrival time, duration of program and student’s age.

All students are expected to abide by the University of Mount Saint Vincent housing policies found in the student handbook

Students arriving between 10pm and 6am or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and/or be required to book an airport transfer.

  • Accommodation weeks are from Sunday to Saturday. Arrivals past 10pm require an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Saturday and/or departing Sunday will be charged for (an) extra night(s) and must book an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Monday–Friday will be charged a full week and must book an airport transfer.

10. Insurance

All Kings students must have appropriate accident and medical insurance during their time in the USA. Insurance to cover personal property, breakages, loss and damage is also strongly recommended.

Insurance is provided through Kings. Students will be automatically invoiced for

insurance throughout the full length of their program. Insurance booked through Kings is charged at a weekly rate.

11. Publicity materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes.

In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

12. Federal Holidays and University closure

Tuition is not given on federal holidays (2024: January 1, January 15, February 19, May 27, June,19, July 4, September 2, October 14, November 11, November 28 – 29, December 25; 2025: January 1, January 20, February 17, May 26, June 19, July 4, September 1, October 13, November 11, November 27 – 28, December 25). The School is also closed between December 23, 2024 and January 5, 2025 inclusive (schools re-open January 6, 2025).

13. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section.

14. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances

beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to university property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

15. Student Information

Through the Kings GO: Prepared Program application, students are sharing their information with Kings Education and University of Mount Saint Vincent. The admissions decisions are shared between University of Mount Saint Vincent and Kings. The student will then be asked to sign a release form authorizing Kings and University of Mount Saint Vincent to share information about the student once matriculated with parents and/or representatives. It is part of the unique nature of the GO: Prepared Program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

16. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

17. Medical intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act in accordance with your wishes. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

18. Activities and excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

19. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings.

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For GO: Program at UW Oshkosh

Last updated November 2024

This agreement constitutes a commitment for two consecutive academic years. As such, Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses and to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month’s written notice to all affected parties.

1. Acceptance of Application

To accept your participation and reserve a place, you will need to make a non-refundable deposit payment and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Once the payment and signed agreement are received, all relevant visa documentation will be sent to the requested address, including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements.

2. Payment of Fees

Payment for your first two semesters’ fees are due prior to the first day of your first semester in the GO: Program. Payments by semester are not allowed. Following the completion of your first two semesters in the program, payment for semesters three and four is required prior to beginning semester three. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are still outstanding. You will be required to leave the program if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment by the time the semester begins.

All fees are paid to Kings Education and can be paid by credit card or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender. Payment by credit card is subject to a surcharge of 2% for Visa and MasterCard, AMEX 3.5%. The deposit payment shall be applied to the first semester of the GO: Program.

3. Refund Terms

3a. Cancellation of your program

If you cancel prior to arrival in the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred (airport transfer, courier fee). The enrollment fee and deposit payment are non-refundable except with documented proof of a visa denial.

If you cancel prior to the start of the program but after entering the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees are non-refundable.

3b. Withdrawing from your program anytime during your first semester orientation or after

If you wish to withdraw from the GO program after starting the program, all tuition and fees are non-refundable.

3c. Withdrawal from Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory for your first two GO:Program semesters. Any residence stay completed during the Undergraduate Preparation/GO:Prepared Program does not waive or alter this requirement.

If you wish to withdraw from residence during the first two semesters of your program, there is no refund.

Beginning with semester 3 and for any subsequent semester the following rules apply:

  • There is a 60-day notice requirement BEFORE the start of the next semester.
  • If your date of notice to withdraw from residence is any time during the semester or LESS than 60 days before the semester, there is no refund

4. General Notes on Refunds

  • Bank charges— all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for the program.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • All approved refunds will be paid within 45 days from the date of your cancellation/withdrawal notice.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.
  • All tuition and non-tuition refunds will be calculated using regular published rates. Any applied promotion, past pricing, or scholarship will no longer be valid.
  • Non-refundable fees vary and may include the deposit payment, courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, tuition and accommodation depending on the reason and time of cancellation or withdrawal outlined in Section 3 above.

5. Academic decisions

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and/or Kings reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class.

Students are accepted in good faith into the program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the program.

6. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to the UWO and/or Kings disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian. Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa.

UWO standards of academic conduct policies can be found here:

7. Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory for the first two semesters. Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the deposit, and placements will be based on a number of factors, including arrival date and age. All students are expected to abide by residential policies found in the housing agreement provided upon arrival.

Students arriving after 8pm or before 2pm or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and will be required to book an airport transfer. All accommodation is non-smoking. Students are responsible for any damages caused to the residence.

8. Insurance

All students will be automatically enrolled in a U.S. based medical insurance upon arrival.

9. Publicity materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

10. Federal Holidays and College Closure

The typical academic term includes a number of holiday breaks. See the UWO Academic Calendar for exact dates:

No refund or compensation is given for lessons missed due to holidays or other official class cancellations.

11. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section.

12. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to college property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

13. Student information

Through the Kings GO: Program application, students are sharing their information with Kings Education and the UWO. The admissions decisions are shared between UWO with Kings. The student will then be asked to sign a release form authorizing Kings and UWO to share information about the student once matriculated with parents and/or representatives. It is part of the unique nature of the GO: Program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

14. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

15. Medical intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings and UWO to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings and UWO to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act accordingly. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

16. Activities and excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings, UWO, and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

17. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings and UWO.

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For GO: Prepared Programs at UW Oshkosh

Last updated May 2020

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses and to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month written notice to all affected parties.

1. Application

Application Fee: There is a non-refundable application fee payable before the processing of your application. You or your agent must send your completed application form with relevant transcripts and any supplementary documentation to Kings USA Admissions. We will acknowledge your application within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) and, if accepted, send an offer of a place within 4-5 working days.

2. Offer of Place

Our offer of a place will include a study plan based on your academic ability and English language level. The offer will include an invoice for tuition, accommodation, plus applicable fees.

3. Visa Documentation

Once we have received your deposit, we will hold a place and send all relevant visa documentation including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements. Please advise us as soon as your visa is granted.

4. Payment of Fees

Fees can be paid by money order, credit card, or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender.

IMPORTANT: when making your payment please ensure that you transmit sufficient funds to cover the bank charges and to cover the dollar amount shown on the invoice at the exchange rate of the day. Payment by credit card is subject to a surcharge of 2%, AMEX 3.5%.

Full fees are due by the course start date. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are outstanding. You will be required to leave the course if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment.

5. Refund Terms

5a. Cancellation due to visa refusal

If your visa is refused, please send us a copy of the visa refusal letter. Upon receipt of this letter, all fees will be refunded.

5b. Cancellation/Withdrawal for other reasons

  • If you cancel prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attend class (no show), all tuition, accommodation and insurance fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred. The enrollment fee and other service charges (airport transfer, courier fee, campus support fee) are non-refundable up to a maximum total of $500.
  • If you are accepted by Kings and enter the US on the school's I-20 and subsequently cancel prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attend class (no show), Kings may retain:
    • For an enrollment period of fewer than 12 weeks, all the tuition charges for up to four weeks, actual housing costs incurred, and a maximum total of $500 for non-refundable charges.
    • For an enrollment period of 12 weeks or more, all the tuition charges for up to six weeks, actual housing costs incurred by the institution, and a maximum total of $500 for non-refundable charges.

If you are unable to complete your course after beginning studies, the following tuition refunds apply.

5b (i) First Period of Financial Obligation (Initial Enrollment)

  • For students whose last day of attendance occurs at any point in the first four weeks, Kings will retain all charges applicable to the first four weeks.
  • For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the first four weeks but before or at the mid-point of their period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition.
  • For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint, Kings will retain all of the charges for that period.
5b (ii) Subsequent Periods of Financial Obligation or Enrollment periods (Extensions)
  • For students who have completed the first period of financial obligation or extended their enrollment at Kings, but whose last date of attendance occurs before or at the midpoint of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition for that period.
  • For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain all of the tuition for that period.

5c. Withdrawal from Accommodation
On campus residential accommodation is mandatory for GO: Prepared program. Upon withdrawal from the program, no accommodation will be refunded.

5d. Withdrawal from Insurance
Insurance is mandatory for the Go: Prepared program. Upon withdrawal from the program, no refund will be given for insurance covering the current term. Any future terms paid for insurance will be refunded.

6. General Notes on Refunds

  • Bank charges — all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for the program.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • If you never attend class (no-show) or cancel prior to the class start date, all refunds will be made within 45 days of the first scheduled date of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is earlier.
    • If you withdraw, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance and will be paid within 45 days for the documented date of determination.
    • The date of determination is (a) the date you give notice of withdrawal to Kings; (b) the date Kings administratively withdraws you, or (c) the date Kings terminates you due to your failure to adhere to our attendance, conduct, or student progress policy.
    • If you provide advanced notice of withdrawal such that the 45-day window ends before the last date of attendance, the refund will be paid within 45 calendar days from the last date of attendance.
  • All used service fees are non-refundable (airport transfer, courier, comprehensive fee).
  • if you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via an agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.
  • All tuition and non-tuition refunds will be calculated using regular published rates. Any applied promotion, past pricing, or scholarship will no longer be valid.
  • For the GO: Prepared Program, prorated refunds will be calculated on a weekly basis. When determining the number of weeks, Kings will consider a partial week the same as if a whole week were completed if you were present at least one day during the scheduled week.
  • In the event of Kings cancelling or terminating a course, a full refund of all unused fees will be made
  • Non-refundable fees include courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, campus support fee.
  • For GO: Prepared Program, refund amounts will be based on a student’s last date of attendance.
  • For the GO: Prepared Program, in the event no notice of withdrawal (written or verbal) is provided, Kings will automatically administratively withdraw the student after s/he has been absent for 10 consecutive school days (excluding scheduled breaks) and complete a refund calculation.

7. Academic Decisions

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh – Fox Cities and/or Kings reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class.
Students are accepted in good faith into the program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.
A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the program.

8. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to the UWO-Fox Cities and/or Kings disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian. Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa.

Students attending the Go: Prepared Program will be governed by and subject to Kings' standards of academic conduct. Students residing in accommodation provided by UWO-Fox Cities or the Fox Village are subject to, and must adhere to, their residential policies.

9. Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory and must include a meal plan.Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the deposit, and placements will be based on a number of factors, including arrival date and age. Only students who have been approved to live off campus may move out. Otherwise all students must continue to live in and pay for the residence and meal plan as a part of the residence requirement of the entire program. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program and termination of the I-20. All students are expected to abide by residential policies found in the housing agreement provided upon arrival.
Students arriving after 8pm or before 2pm or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and will be required to book an airport transfer. All accommodation is non-smoking. Students are responsible for any damages caused to the residence.

  • Accommodation weeks are from Sunday to Saturday.
  • Any student arriving after 8pm or before 2pm must book an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Saturday and/or departing Sunday will be charged for (an) extra night(s) and must book an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Monday–Friday will be charged a full week and must book an airport transfer.

10. Insurance

All students will be automatically enrolled in a U.S. based medical insurance upon arrival.

11. Publicity materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

12. Federal Holidays and Center Closure

Tuition is not given on federal holidays (2024: January 1, January 15, February 19, May 27, June,19, July 4, September 2, October 14, November 11, November 28 – 29, December 25; 2025: January 1, January 20, February 17, May 26, June 19, July 4, September 1, October 13, November 11, November 27 – 28, December 25). The School is also closed between December 23, 2024 and January 5, 2025 inclusive (schools re-open January 6, 2025).

13. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section 13.

14. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to college property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

15. Student Information

Through the Kings GO: Prepared Program application, students are sharing their information with Kings Education and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh – Fox Cities. The admissions decisions are shared between University of Wisconsin Oshkosh – Fox Cities and Kings. The student will then be asked to sign a release form authorizing Kings and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh – Fox Cities to share information about the student once matriculated with parents and/or representatives. It is part of the unique nature of the GO: Prepared Program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

16. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question

17. Medical intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings and UWO to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings and UWO-Fox Cities to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.
If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act accordingly. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

18. Activities and excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings, UWO, and/or external providers.
If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

19. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings and UWO.

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For GO: Programs in Boston

Last updated November 2024

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month written notice to all affected parties.

1. Acceptance of Application

To accept your participation and reserve a place, you will need to make a non-refundable deposit payment and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Once the payment and signed agreement are received, all relevant visa documentation will be sent to the requested address, including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements.

2. Payment of Fees

Payment for your first two semesters’ fees are due prior to the first day of your first semester in the GO: Program. Payments by semester are not allowed during your first year. Following the completion of your first year in the program, semester payments can be made before the start of each semester of study. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are still outstanding. You will be required to leave the program if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment by the time the semester begins.

All fees are paid to Kings Education and can be paid by credit card or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender.

The deposit payment shall be applied to the first semester of the GO: Program.

3. Refund Terms

3a. Cancellation of your program

If you cancel prior to arrival in the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred (airport transfer, courier fee). The enrollment fee and deposit payment are non-refundable except with documented proof of a visa denial.

If you cancel prior to the start of the program but after entering the country, all paid tuition and accommodation fees are non-refundable.

3b. Withdrawing from your program anytime during your first semester orientation or after

If you wish to withdraw from the GO program after starting the program, all tuition and fees are non-refundable.

3c. Withdrawal from Accommodation

Residential accommodation is mandatory for your first two GO:Program semesters. Any residence stay completed during the Undergraduate Preparation/GO:Prepared Program does not waive or alter this requirement.

If you wish to withdraw from residence during the first two semesters of your program, there is no refund.

Beginning with semester 3 and for any subsequent semester the following rules apply:

  • There is a 60-day notice requirement BEFORE the start of the next semester.
  • If your date of notice to withdraw from residence is any time during the semester or LESS than 60 days before the semester, there is no refund

4. General Notes on Refunds

  • Bank charges— all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for the program.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • All approved refunds will be paid within 45 days from the date of your cancellation/withdrawal notice.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.
  • All tuition and non-tuition refunds will be calculated using regular published rates. Any applied promotion, past pricing, or scholarship will no longer be valid.
  • Non-refundable fees vary and may include the deposit payment, courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, tuition and accommodation depending on the reason and time of cancellation or withdrawal outlined in Section 3 above.

5. Academic Decisions

Kings and/or Fisher reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class.

Students are accepted in good faith into the program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the program.

6. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to the Fisher College and/or Kings disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian. Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa.

Fisher College standards of academic conduct policies can be found here:

7. Accommodation

Housing assignments will be made only after receipt of the deposit and housing application form. Placements will be based on a number of factors, including arrival date and age. All students are expected to abide by Fisher College housing policies found in the student housing agreement:

Students arriving after 8pm or before 2pm or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and will be required to book an airport transfer. All accommodation is non-smoking. Students are responsible for any damages caused to the residence.

If you wish to cancel accommodation during the GO: Program, you will adhere to the Fisher rules and regulations found in the Fisher student housing agreement:

8. Insurance

All Kings students are required to purchase a health insurance plan written specifically for them by Fisher College.

Information about the plan is available on the following web page:

9. Publicity Materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

10. Federal Holidays and Center closure

The typical academic term includes a number of holiday breaks. See Fisher College Academic Calendar for exact dates

No refund or compensation is given for lessons missed due to holidays or other official class cancellations.

11. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section.

12. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to college property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

13. Student Information

Through the Kings GO: Program application, students are sharing their information with Kings Education and Fisher College. The admissions decisions are shared between Fisher College with Kings. The student will then be asked to sign a release form authorizing Kings and Fisher College to share information about the student once matriculated with parents and/or representatives. It is part of the unique nature of the GO: Program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

14. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

15. Medical Intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings and Fisher College to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings and Fisher College to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act in accordance with your wishes. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

16. Activities and Excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings, Fisher College, and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

17. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings and Fisher College.

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For GO: Prepared Programs in Boston

Last updated November 2024

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month written notice to all affected parties.

1. Application

Application Fee: There is a non-refundable application fee payable before the processing of your application. You or your agent must send your completed application form with relevant transcripts and any supplementary documentation to Kings USA Admissions. We will acknowledge your application within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) and, if accepted, send an offer of a place within 4-5 working days.

2. Offer of Place

Our offer of a place will include a study plan based on your academic ability and English language level. The offer will include an invoice for tuition, accommodation, plus applicable fees.

3. Visa Documentation

Once we have received your deposit, we will hold a place and send all relevant visa documentation including the I-20, provided that you have submitted proof of financial solvency and all other financial requirements. Please advise us as soon as your visa is granted.

4. Payment of Fees

Fees can be paid by money order, credit card, or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender. IMPORTANT: when making your payment please ensure that you transmit sufficient funds to cover the bank charges and to cover the dollar amount shown on the invoice at the exchange rate of the day.

Full fees are due by the course start date. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are outstanding. You will be required to leave the course if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment.

5a. Cancellation due to visa refusal

If your visa is refused, all fees will be refunded.

5b. Cancellation/Withdrawal for other reasons


  • If you cancel prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attend class (no show), all tuition, accommodation and insurance fees will be refunded, less any actual costs incurred. Actual costs incurred may also include 1 week of accommodation if cancellation is within 7 days of reservation start date. The enrolment fee and other service charges (airport transfer, courier fee, campus support fee) are non-refundable up to a maximum total of $500.
  • If you are accepted by Kings and enter the US on the school's I-20 and subsequently cancel prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attend class (no show), Kings may retain: - For an enrollment period of fewer than 12 weeks, all the tuition charges for up to four weeks, actual housing costs incurred, and a maximum total of $500 for non-refundable charges. - For an enrollment period of 12 weeks or more, all the tuition charges for up to six weeks, actual housing costs incurred by the institution, and a maximum total of $500 for non-refundable charges.


If you are unable to complete your course after beginning studies, the following tuition refunds apply.

5b (i) First Period of Financial Obligation (Initial Enrollment)

For students whose last day of attendance occurs at any point in the first four weeks, Kings will retain all charges applicable to the first four weeks.

For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the first four weeks but before or at the mid-point of their period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition.

For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint, Kings will retain all of the charges for that period.

5b (ii) Subsequent Periods of Financial Obligation or Enrollment periods (Extensions)

For students who have completed the first period of financial obligation or extended their enrollment at Kings, but whose last date of attendance occurs before or at the midpoint of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain a prorated amount of tuition for that period.

For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint of any subsequent period of financial obligation, Kings will retain all of the tuition for that period.

5c. Cancellation of accommodation

To cancel accommodation, a minimum of four weeks' notice must be given in writing to Kings staff. A refund will be made of the unused accommodation fee less the applicable notice period.

Students who move out without giving the proper notice period, or who must leave the residence due to conduct or disciplinary reasons, will be charged 4 weeks accommodation fees in lieu of notice. A partial week may be counted as one week’s accommodation.

5d. Cancellation of Insurance

Insurance will be charged for all used weeks. A pro-rata refund will be made of the unused weeks. Students who do not give notification of cancellation (no show) or withdrawal will be charged the cost incurred from the start date to the date of determination of withdrawal/cancellation.

6. General notes on refunds

  • Bank charges — all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.
  • Refunds are made to the fee-payer.
  • Accommodation deposits — will be refunded to the fee-payer after deductions for any disbursements or damages.
  • Late arrivals — no refunds are given for time missed due to arriving late for courses.
  • Refund Due Dates
    • If you never attend class (no-show) or cancel prior to the class start date, all refunds will be made within 45 days of the first scheduled date of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is earlier.
    • If you withdraw, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance and will be paid within 45 days for the documented date of determination.
    • The date of determination is (a) the date you give notice of withdrawal to Kings; (b) the date Kings administratively withdraws you, or (c) the date Kings terminates you due to your failure to adhere to our attendance, conduct, or student progress policy.
    • If you provide advanced notice of withdrawal such that the 45-day window ends before the last date of attendance, the refund will be paid within 45 calendar days from the last date of attendance.
  • Prorated refunds will be calculated on a weekly basis. When determining the number of weeks, Kings will consider a partial week the same as if a whole week were completed if you were present at least one day during the scheduled week.
  • In the event of Kings cancelling or terminating a course, a full refund of all unused fees will be made.
  • Non-refundable fees include courier fee, registration fee, airport transfer, campus support fee and housing application fee. Refund amounts will be based on a student’s last date of attendance.
  • In the event no notice of withdrawal (written or verbal) is provided, Kings will automatically administratively withdraw the student after s/he has been absent for 10 consecutive school days (excluding scheduled breaks) and complete a refund calculation.
  • If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via an agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.

7. Academic Decisions

Kings and/or Fisher reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class. For GO: Prepared, students are accepted into a study plan with understanding that successful completion of the study plan is contingent on satisfactory attendance and attainment of specified grades.

Students who do not meet the criteria for successful completion will not be allowed to proceed with their original study plan. Students may be offered alternative study options, including, but not limited to, retaking their course, and/or a change in their study plan. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

Students are accepted in good faith into the Kings program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one

required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the Kings program.

8. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to Kings and/or Fisher disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Travel and other costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian.

Attendance is compulsory for all students and is a condition of a US student visa. Nonattendance of students holding a Kings I-20 is reported to the Department of Homeland Security.

Students attending the GO: Prepared Program will be governed by and subject to Kings' standards of academic conduct.

9. Accommodation

Students arriving between 10pm and 6am or arriving outside of the designated start dates may be asked to book alternative accommodation until accommodation becomes available and/or be required to book an airport transfer.

  • Accommodation weeks are from Sunday to Saturday. Arrivals past 10pm require an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Saturday and/or departing Sunday will be charged for (an) extra night(s) and must book an airport transfer.
  • Any student arriving Monday–Friday will be charged a full week and must book an airport transfer.

10. Insurance

All Kings students must have appropriate accident and medical insurance during their time in the USA. Insurance to cover personal property, breakages, loss and damage is also strongly recommended.

Insurance is provided through Kings. Students will be automatically invoiced for insurance throughout the full length of their program. Insurance booked through Kings is charged at a weekly rate.

11. Publicity Materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes. In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

12. Federal Holidays and Center closure

Tuition is not given on federal holidays (2024: January 1, January 15, February 19, May 27, June,19, July 4, September 2, October 14, November 11, November 28 – 29, December 25; 2025: January 1, January 20, February 17, May 26, June 19, July 4, September 1, October 13, November 11, November 27 – 28, December 25). The School is also closed between December 23, 2024 and January 5, 2025 inclusive (schools re-open January 6, 2025).

13. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides.

Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section.

14. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Any damage caused by a student to college property or to a residence, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student or students responsible. Students in residential accommodation are jointly liable for shared facilities and Kings reserves the right to recover costs for damage and exceptional cleaning at any time.

Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

15. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

16. Medical Intervention

The student or guardian (if under 18) grants authorization and consent to Kings to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the student. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, Kings is authorized to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the student and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of, any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. The student or guardian agrees to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. Once medical/hospital treatment is completed, the student may be released back to Kings. The student or guardian (if under 18) agrees to allow Kings to contact and speak with the student's physician/dentist.

If you feel contrary to this, please advise us in writing, so that we may keep a copy of this in the student's file and we therefore act in accordance with your wishes. Students will be required to provide medical history documentation prior to arrival in the US.

17. Activities and Excursions

It is understood that students may participate in off-site social activities and excursions organized by Kings and/or external providers.

If your child is under 18, a guardian's permission is understood to be given for them to participate. Please advise Kings in writing if permission is not given in order to act accordingly.

18. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all host and progression institutions in which they intend to transfer. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings.

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For High School SmartClass

Last updated August 2024

Kings reserves the right to change prices, to cancel or change courses and to amend timetables at any time prior to enrollment and to make additions or amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one month’s written notice to all affected parties.

1. Payment of Fees

Fees can be paid by credit card, or bank transfer. Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are payable by the sender.

IMPORTANT: when making your payment please ensure that you transmit sufficient funds to cover the bank charges and to cover the dollar amount shown on the invoice at the exchange rate of the day. Payment by credit card is subject to a surcharge of 2%, AMEX 3.5%. Full fees are due by the course start date. You will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are outstanding. You will be required to leave the course if you are not able to produce payment or proof of payment.

2. Refunds

2a. Cancellation

If you cancel prior to beginning your course, a refund (if payment has been made), less any actual costs incurred, will be completed within 45 days of the date of cancellation. The enrolment fee is a non-refundable service charge.

2b. Withdrawal

No refund will be given for a withdrawal. Once you begin your course, there is no refund available.

3. General notes on refunds

• Bank charges — all refunds are paid minus any bank charges.

• Refunds are made to the fee-payer.

• In the event of Kings cancelling or terminating a course, a full refund of all unused fees will be made, except cancellations due to Force Majeure.

• Non-refundable fees include the enrolment fee and any deposit paid.

• If you have enrolled with Kings through an agency, you have a contractual relationship with your agent that may affect your ability to obtain a refund. Payments made via an agency will be refunded through the agent and you will need to speak to your agency to confirm your final refund amount.

4. Course Information

4a. Academic Decisions

Kings reserves the right to determine the best study plan for any student and to exclude from class any student who, for reasons of performance or ability, is not qualified to enter or remain in that class. For High School SmartClass, students are accepted into a study plan with understanding that successful completion of the study plan is contingent on satisfactory attendance and attainment of specified grades.

4b. High School Diploma

To receive a high school diploma, students must earn a total of 21 credits or more between grades 9-12, take at least 5 credits with the Kings High School SmartClass.

4c. Study Plan

Students who do not meet the criteria for successful completion will not be allowed to proceed with their original study plan. Students may be offered alternative study options, including, but not limited to, retaking their course, and/or a change in their study plan. A change in study plan may involve additional time and cost with regard to tuition fees.

Students are accepted in good faith into the Kings program on the basis that the certification they provide meets the admissions criteria. If, however, the results from assessments upon arrival indicate that a student’s level of English or academic proficiency is significantly different than the one claimed and is lower than the one required for their program, then the student will be formally advised of the results and of applicable options.

4d. Course Length

Students have up to one (1) calendar year from the first enrollment day to complete each course. If the student does not complete the course within the allotted time frame, the student must reenroll in the course and will be subject to tuition and enrollment fees.

4b. Pricing

High School SmartClass pricing is based on a per academic year basis. For each academic year missing of secondary school, students will be charged the published rate for one year.

5. Discipline

If your work, attendance, or conduct is unsatisfactory you will be subject to Kings disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to suspension or expulsion. Costs incurred as a result of suspension or expulsion must be met by the student or student’s guardian. Students attending the Kings High School SmartClass will be governed by and subject to Kings' standards of academic conduct.

5a. Academic Dishonesty

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the SmartClass experience at Kings. Any academic dishonesty, as determined by Kings, may result in an administrative withdrawal from the program.

5b. Falsified Documentation

A student, either individually or through his/her representative, who has submitted any documentation or certification to meet the admissions criteria which is later found to have been falsified is subject to immediate expulsion from the Kings program.

6. Publicity Materials

Kings Education periodically uses electronic and traditional media for publicity or educational purposes.

In signing these Terms & Conditions, permission is given to Kings and its agents to use the student’s image (photographs and/or video) and personal educational records for use in Kings publications, including, but not limited to, videos, emails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines, and to use the student’s image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Kings website or other electronic forms of media.

This permission may be revoked at any time upon providing written notice to Kings. Until such revocation is made, this consent shall remain in effect with the student’s educational records and image continuing to be available to Kings for use in publications.

The right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future is also hereby waived.

7. Force Majeure

Kings is not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of part or all of the School, housing, or host facilities and the cancellation or modification of any classes, courses or other services or materials Kings provides. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, state or federal mandate, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease. Kings will not be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such case. No refunds will be given under this Section.

8. Liability

Kings will not be liable under any circumstances for any failure to provide any services whatsoever if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by actions or circumstances beyond Kings’ control. Students hereby voluntarily release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Kings, its agents, officers, employees, successors and assigns from any liability resulting from any claims, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, a claim of Kings’ negligence, resulting from any damage, loss, personal injury, disability, medical expenses, property damage or theft, arising from or out of the student's attendance or participation in the Kings program.

9. Student Information

Through the Kings SmartClass application, students are sharing their information with Kings Education. It is part of the unique nature of the SmartClass program that Kings provides constant feedback about academic performance and/or financial issues to individuals involved in the student’s success.

10. Jurisdiction

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the USA having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

11. University Progression

Students must meet the admissions requirements of all progression institutions in which they intend to enroll. All host and progression institutions reserve the right to amend their admission criteria independent of Kings. Completion of the High School SmartClass does not guarantee admission into a Kings university partner or any university or college.

Thank you for your enquiry.
We'll be in touch soon.
The Kings Admissions Team