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Danh Huy (Chris) studied the Advanced Level Foundation at Kings before taking up a place to study English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia.

We talked to him during his time with us about his experience so far, and his hopes for the future.

Hi Chris. How is the course going so far?

Everything is going well actually I am really happy with my results and the teachers have been very helpful.

Has Kings been a good platform for you to get to university?

Yes, I think it has really been an amazing process of help because every time I go to teachers to look for advice or help with anything at all, they are very helpful. When I ask them to help me with something they usually go all the way. So I feel like it is a great environment.

"Every time I go to teachers to look for advice or help with anything at all, they are very helpful."

What are your plans for university?

I am going to study English Literature and Creative Writing at university and after that, well it depends on whether I stay in the UK or go back to my country but nonetheless I want to be a writer.

Have you taken part in any of the enrichment classes or activities?

So far I have been in the Student Council, the Crafts Club and Economics Club. The Crafts Club is really relaxing, you make your own hand-made stuff like boxes and decorations. In Economics Club, I feel like it is a great place to connect more with the teacher because there we don't study, we look at current economic affairs and in the Student Council it is pretty relaxing, we just plan out for future activities.

What are the main differences between Kings and your former school in Vietnam?

Firstly, I would have to say is the faculty staff. In Vietnam we don't have as many faculty staff, usually just the teacher. We don't even have a counsellor or student services, it is mostly just us and our school work, there is no emotional support or anything like that so here in Kings I feel connected and involved.

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