Section 3: Course structure
Term 1 – Learning skills and context
The first part in the creative journey, this is where students will start to raise questions about Art & Design that they will spend the year answering: inspiration will come from personal experiences, reading around topics, use of different materials and primary research through off-site and gallery visits.
Unit 1: Art & Design Research Methods
Objective: To enable students to develop a research method which demonstrates contextual awareness, ability to interpret and evaluate information and that can be applied effectively.
Unit 2: Ideas and Development
Objective: To enable students to develop ideas within the context of Art & Design using a broad range of approaches appropriately and effectively.
Unit 3: Materials and Methods
Objective: To enable students to develop the application of materials and methods to explore and solve creative solutions, safely and effectively
Unit 4: Evaluation and Reflection
Objective: To enable students to develop planning, recording, analytical, reflective and to evaluate skills which support their own learning. CSS IELTS and presentation input, interviews and how to present work
Term 2 – Development and Progression
At this stage, students have built a wide understanding of the areas of Art & Design, and the elements they are more interested in developing: from here, students begin to decide the area they will focus on in their degree level studies. Students will work with a dedicated tutor, depending on the area of art they chose to specialise in. Students’ portfolios and research will take many different forms depending on their chosen specialty: this can be in sketch books, written word, 3D and 2D designs.
Unit 5: Integrated Art & Design
Objective: To enable students to fully integrate research, ideas and methods within the context of a chosen art or design subject effectively.
Unit 6: Preparation for Progression in Art & Design
Objective: To enable students to develop skills with which they can make best use of appropriate progression opportunities. CSS IELTS and Assignment input.
Term 3 – Proposal and Realisation
The final term is the culmination of students’ research, initial ideas, design and development. This is showcased through the cross-college public fashion show that students design and run.
Unit 7: Project Proposal and Realisation of Final Major Project culminating in a public exhibition.
Objective: To enable students to take responsibility for their own learning by demonstrating their achievement in proposing and realising a project which integrates contextual perspective, research, problem solving, planning and organisation, evaluation and reflection, and practical, technical and presentation skills.
Working to briefs, students will produce both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work part of which will reflect their specialist subject area. CSS IELTS and Listening, note-taking skills and reading and vocabulary.
Regular presentations All students on the Art & Design Foundation take part in weekly presentations and peer evaluation. These presentations ensure students are fully prepared for interviews that the more competitive universities and courses will require students to complete for admission.