Your personal journey
The psychology of learning away from home
When you first start your course, you will feel excited about learning new language skills, making new friends and exploring a new country. Your motivation is high, and you are very keen to make progress.
Our friendly team of teachers and support staff will help you to adapt to your new environment with information and guidance on all aspects of your new life.
You may begin to experience some stress at the differences between your culture and the new culture you find yourself in. You may feel frustrated that things take more effort and concentration when using English.
Our academic staff will help you move through any areas of difficulty you are experiencing and encourage you on your journey to fluency. You are making progress and may have moved up to a higher-level class.
Some students go through a period of homesickness, where they miss family and friends. You may find yourself wanting to spend time with people from your own country rather than with students from other countries using English .
Your teachers and welfare staff will be aware you may feel this way and will support you. It is important to realise this is just a temporary stage and keep up your motivation to study.
This is where you come to accept and enjoy your new life living in English. You have moved up to higher level classes, you can do most things in society, and you grow in confidence.
Your teachers will help you to challenge yourself and work on your core language skills, and encourage you to specialise in your own individual areas of interest. You can now travel confidently and enjoy the cultural aspects of living abroad.
Your language has improved greatly, you have moved up a number of levels, and now you are confident to communicate in English. You are aware your time at Kings is drawing to a close, and thinking about what’s next.
Your teachers will be encouraging you to think about how you can use your newly acquired English language skills in your future life. You will be given opportunities to talk to our expert staff about how you can best make use of your new skills in terms of future study and career progression.