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1. Book your IELTS test online

Choose the test date you want, and book your test. Don't leave it too late to book your place!

On booking your test online, you will receive an automated email response acknowledging receipt. This email is called the “Acknowledgement of Receipt of IELTS Test Application”

If this email does not arrive in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder, especially if you have a Gmail account.

Book your test now

2. Make your payment online

For IELTS tests on paper

Test fee in 2025 is £215.

You need to pay immediately (or within one business day).

We must receive your test fee before we can confirm your place on the IELTS test. Please note that IELTS Administrators must manually confirm receipt of your payment in the database at the Test Centre. It is not done automatically by the system. After we have confirmed your payment you will then receive a Confirmation of completion of IELTS registration and acceptance of application email.

If this email does not arrive in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder, especially if you have a Gmail account.

Please select the date of the test and enter the name of the test taker taking the test.

Then enter the number of the ID document, used to book the test online.

We will confirm your place by email within two working days. Please note that IELTS Administrators must manually confirm receipt of your payment in the database at the Test Centre. It is not done automatically by the system.

Test Year
Test Date
Candidate's Name
ID Document Number

For IELTS tests on computer

Test fee in 2025 is £215.

You need to pay immediately (or within one business day).

We must receive your test fee before we can confirm your place on the IELTS test. Please note that IELTS Administrators must physically confirm receipt of your payment in the database at the Test Centre. It is not done automatically by the system. After we have confirmed your payment you will then receive a Confirmation of completion of IELTS registration and acceptance of application email.

If this email does not arrive in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder, especially if you have a Gmail account.

Please select the date of the test and enter the name of the test taker taking the test.

Then enter the number of the ID document, used to book the test online.

We will confirm your place by email within two working days. Please note that IELTS Administrators must manually confirm receipt of your payment in the database at the Test Centre. It is not done automatically by the system.

Test year
Test date
Test taker's name
ID document number

For One Skill Retake (OSR)

One skill retake fee is £150.

You need to pay immediately (or within one business day).

We must receive your fee before we can confirm your place on the One Skill Retake test. Please note that IELTS Administrators must manually confirm receipt of your payment in the database at the Test Centre. It is not done automatically by the system. After we have confirmed your payment you will then receive a Confirmation of completion of IELTS registration and acceptance of application email.

If this email does not arrive in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder, especially if you have a Gmail account.

Test year
Test date
Candidate's name
ID document number

IELTS cancellation and transfer policy

If the test is to take place 24 hours from the cancellation request date, you won’t be eligible for a refund. If the test is to take place 24 hours from the transfer request date, you won’t be eligible for a transfer of your test booking.

If you request a refund more than 5 weeks before the test date (and more than 2 weeks since you paid for your test), you are entitled to a refund of 75% of the test fee. If you request a transfer of your test booking more than 5 weeks before the test date (and more than 2 weeks since you paid for your test), you are entitled to a transfer of your booking to another test date (within 3 months), however we will charge you an administrative fee of 25% of the test fee.

If you request a refund less than 5 weeks before the test (and more than 2 weeks since you paid for your test), you will not receive a refund. If you request a transfer of your test booking less than 5 weeks before the test (and more than 2 weeks since you paid for your test), your test booking will not be transferred.

Please contact the Kings Oxford IELTS Test Centre by email for help in understanding this policy:

Email our office:

One Skill Retake cancellation and transfer policy


  • Cancellation requested in writing more than 14 calendar days before the OSR test: 75% of the OSR test fee refundable
  • Cancellation requested in writing within 14 days of the OSR test: No refund

Please note that no refund will be provided if One Skill Retake result is not recognised by an institution, organisation or government body. It is the test taker’s responsibility to check whether relevant bodies recognise/accept One Skill Retake results.


  • You must request a transfer of your OSR test date in writing at least 5 calendar days before the test. However, the acceptance of your transfer request is subject to availability of an OSR test within the 60 days of your original IELTS on computer test
  • If we are unable to accept your transfer request due to unavailability of a new OSR test date within the 60 days of your original IELTS on computer test, then your transfer will be treated as a cancellation and Cancellation policy will apply.
  • Any transfer requests received less than 5 calendar days before the test or after will be rejected.
  • We can only transfer the same OSR booking once
  • We will charge you an administrative fee of £37.50 to process your transfer. Payment can be made by cash or card in person at the Test Centre, by card over the phone or by bank transfer. We will not process your transfer until the transfer fee is received.

Exceptional circumstances and special consideration

On rare occasions, there may be instances where you are unable to attend your test or are disadvantaged on the test day owing to illness, injury, or another exceptional event outside your control. In these cases, you may apply for special consideration due to exceptional circumstances by sending us an email to This will allow you to carry over your test fee to a later test or, in some cases, apply for a refund.

Special consideration includes instances such as:

  • a traumatic experience
  • domestic crisis
  • unavoidable legal or military obligation
  • serious medical conditions which prevent you from attending or performing normally on the test day
  • bereavement or other forms of significant hardship
  • civil unrest or extreme weather.

You can apply for special consideration before the test, and up to two calendar days after the test date. However, applications for special consideration will not be accepted after your results have been released.

You need to contact us directly by email ( and provide full information as to why you qualify for special consideration with supporting evidence. We will assess your application and will respond to you within seven working days of receiving your full application in writing, during which time your results will be put on hold until a decision is finalised.

If we approve your application, you will receive a refund or transfer. Note that there will be no adjustment to band scores.

Under certain circumstances outside of test centre control, we may have to cancel your test and transfer it to a future date. These circumstances include, but may not be limited to, extreme weather conditions, natural disaster, civil unrest, industrial action, global pandemic or for reasons of force majeure.

In these circumstances, we will provide you with as much notice as possible and give you the choice of either a full refund, or a transfer to a future test date – whichever you prefer.

If your test is cancelled or postponed due to other circumstances such as technical failure, venue or environmental factors, we will provide you with as much notice as possible and give you the choice of a refund or a transfer to a future test.

Thank you for your enquiry.
We'll be in touch soon.
The Kings Admissions Team