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How we guarantee your progress

  • We guarantee you’ll make the progress we agree with you.
  • That’s because we are completely confident in our learning system. It is rigorous, structured and carefully managed.
  • Above all, it’s proven to get results.
  • When you start, we’ll agree a learning target with you. It will be challenging but attainable.
  • Then, we’ll make a personalised plan to help you meet your target.
  • All along, we’ll be checking your progress to make sure you are on track.

Your first week

First day assessment

When you first arrive we’ll assess your current level in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

This is so we can place you in the right class.

Choose your first Special Interest Group class

Explore an aspect of English language and/or culture with one of our SIGs.

Special Interest Groups
Initial progress tutorial

During a one-to-one meeting with a senior teacher or academic staff member we’ll agree the level you want to reach.

We’ll then create your personalised progress plan to make sure you achieve your goal.

6-weekly cycle

These three steps are repeated every 6 weeks throughout your course:

6-week cycle graphic

Weekly assessments in class

These focus on the content that you have covered in your lessons that week.

It’s a great way to check you’re keeping up with the class and understanding what you’re taught.

Progress assessment

Every 6 weeks, you will be thoroughly assessed on your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

We compare your results with your first day assessment so we can map your progress and see where you might need extra support.

photo of example initial report

One-to-one progress tutorial

Another personal meeting with a senior teacher or academic staff member to discuss your progress and the results of your recent progress test.

You can also agree your next Special Interest Group class.

  • These steps ensure that you have regular structured assessment of your progress and regular one-to-one meetings with your teachers throughout your course.

    At the end of your course

    End of course reportexample end of course report

    • At the end of you course, you receive your official End of Course Report.
    • This maps your entire progress from start to finish. It also shows your final overall grade.
    • You will also receive individual grades for reading, writing and speaking as well as attainment, attendance, and class contribution.

    Official Kings Certificate example end of course certificate

    • If you have attended at least 90% of your lessons we’ll also present your official Kings Certificate at the end of your course.
    • You can show this to employers or universities along with your end of course report.
    • It’s your formal record of everything you have achieved.

    Thank you for your enquiry.
    We'll be in touch soon.
    The Kings Admissions Team