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IELTS Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can I prepare for the IELTS exam?

A great way to prepare for the exam is to complete a specific IELTS preparation programme. Within these types of courses, you will not only benefit from language input, but will additionally focus on test strategies and exam techniques. Each part of the IELTS exam is different, and preparation courses will ensure you fully understand what is expected of you on test day.

Q2. How much time do you need to prepare for IELTS?

There is no specific amount of time required to prepare for the IELTS exam — much depends on how intensively you can study, what IELTS band score you are aiming to achieve, and what your current level of English is.

At Kings, we will create a personalised study plan for you, based on your current ability and IELTS score requirements.

Q3. How can I study for IELTS at home?

If you are unable to attend a face-to-face preparation course, or would prefer to learn remotely, there are lots of online courses available, including the Kings IELTS SmartClass range.

Whether you are doing an online or in-person course, there are also many ways to supplement your learning with free IELTS study materials, practice materials and sample tests.

Q4. How can I register for the IELTS exam?

To register for the exam you first need to find your nearest IELTS test centre. You would then need to register and pay online or download an application form to print, complete and submit. Test dates vary by centre but are generally on a Saturday or Thursday.

Kings Oxford has been the IELTS Testing Centre for the Oxford region since 1996. We currently test around 2,000 people per year.

Q5. Should I do IELTS General or Academic?

If you want to move to an English-speaking country to study, then you should take the IELTS Academic test. For work or immigration, the IELTS General Training test is recommended.

In some cases both Academic or General Training may be accepted. Each organisation sets its own entry requirements, so test takers are advised to check if there is any doubt.

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The Kings Admissions Team