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Welcome Back Bash in Wisconsin

10 Sep, 2021
Welcome Back Bash in Wisconsin

Kings Wisconsin student Miu Kogawa tells us about the recent Welcome Back Bash for students at the UW Oshkosh—Fox Cities.

Wednesday September 15 was Welcome Back Bash at UWO, Fox Cities. I participated in Welcome Back Bash as a volunteer for the student government and worked as Kings Social Media Ambassador and updated the Kings Wisconsin Instagram. I was extremely excited to celebrate the start of our new semester with students and staff by playing fun games, drawing, and having food.

My job was to introduce and recruit students to apply for the Senator position. Fox Student Association is electing new senators on September 20, so they can be members of FSA and work on creating events and activities when they get elected.

Welcome Back Bash started with amazing food and people. Students also had great opportunities to get involved in some school organizations/clubs such as student government, sports clubs, etc. Some students were enjoying their time playing yard games, drawing, or eating. I had a wonderful time with my friends, and I had a nice opportunity to meet some new people. It was an opportunity to network and make new friends. With the nice weather, and friends, students seemed like they had very enjoyable time at the bash, as I did.

More about Kings at the University of Wisconsin