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Successful Enrichment Fair at Kings Bournemouth

30 Jan, 2023
Successful Enrichment Fair at Kings Bournemouth

This month is the start of a new term for our academic students, which means that they have the opportunity to try out a new enrichment activity.

'Enrichment' is an important part of each student’s academic programme, and from 3:30pm-4:40pm every Wednesday, students take part in an activity club. Many different clubs are offered and enrichment fairs help showcase what is on offer for the coming term. As well as giving students a chance to learn a new hobby, or further an existing one, the clubs are also designed to develop skills such as problem solving, communication, etc, which can be vital in helping students secure places at top universities.

This term, the students got to pick from the following enrichment clubs: Arts Award, Chess Club, Computing Club, Debating, Drama, Film Club, Medical Society, Music Club, Running Club, Table Tennis, Entrepreneurship Club and Dance Club.

The Enrichment Fair was a big success. Lots of students attended, and reported back that the event was informative and useful in helping them decide which club to pick. Many of the teachers also got involved, representing their club and helping students with any questions they had.

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