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Preparing for IELTS in Oxford and travelling Europe in my free time

03 Mar, 2020
Preparing for IELTS in Oxford and travelling Europe in my free time

Jun Kubota, from Japan, is taking the Diploma of Intensive English course at Kings Oxford for 8 months. He needs to improve his English to pass the IELTS exam so he can study a Master's degree abroad in the future. Aside from studying, he has been making the most of the UK's proximity to Europe and has travelled lots in his spare time! He recently spoke to Student Services Manager, Angela, about his experience.


What is your name and where are you from?


My name is Jun Kubota and I’m from Kagoshima, Japan. I live in Tokyo now because I am at university there. I live alone but I have two sisters and they are working in Tokyo, so often we meet up and have dinner or something.


That’s nice because Tokyo is a big city isn't it. How far is your home city from Tokyo?


Yes it’s quite far, it takes two hours by plane.


What course are you taking at Kings? Why did you decide to take this course?

今はどのプログラムを取っていますか? どうしてそのプログラムを選んだのですか?

I am taking Intensive English course. I chose this course because at first I wanted to join the university abroad, but I couldn’t because my English wasn’t good enough so I needed to study English. I asked my education agent in Japan what they recommended, and they said that Kings has preparation courses and is a place that you can take IELTS, and then they recommended Kings for me.


Great, so that’s why you decided to come to the UK to study English. Why else are you improving your English?

イギリスを留学先に選んだ理由は何ですか? 英語の勉強以外で何か理由はありますか?

The most important thing is I want to go abroad and travel everywhere, and if I can speak English I can go to most of the countries in the world. I can talk with people from another country, and use in hotels.


Yes, it’s an international language.


Also, I want to get a Master’s degree, but not in Japan. I haven’t decided where I will go yet, but everywhere I will go I will need English so first I will have to learn it!


What degree are you studying in Tokyo?


My subject is social science. I am in the second year. In the first and second year we study widely with many different subjects, such as history, society and many others.


Have you been enjoying your degree so far? How many years do you have left?

今の専攻は満足してますか? 大学は後何年残ってますか?

Yes, so far! I have two more years left at university. After I graduate, maybe I will come back to the UK. I’m not sure whether I would come back to the UK or to another city.

はい! 後2年残ってます。卒業したらまたイギリスに戻ってきたいですね。どこの街にするかとかはまだ分かりませんけど。

Have you taken the IELTS exam?


No not yet, but I am going to take it next week! My sister lived in the UK for two years and she recommended that I should take IELTS in the UK, rather than in Japan, and she thinks this is important.

いえまだです。来週受けます! 僕の姉もイギリスに2年住んでたことがあるんですが、彼女がIELTSはイギリスで受けたほうが良いって言ってました。受ける場所は大事だって思ってるみたいです。

What made you decide to study in Oxford? Why did you choose the UK over somewhere like the USA or Canada?

オックスフォードを留学先として選んだ理由は? アメリカやカナダじゃなくってイギリスを選んだ理由は?

I had already decided to come to the UK before I met with my agent because I wanted to learn British English. Also if I want to go to another place, like Paris, or Belgium, or Spain, I can just go for a weekend, so I was already sold! I liked Oxford because it is a student city and I think it’s better than London because it’s very safe.

ブリティッシュイングリッシュを学びたかったので、エージェントに相談する前からイギリスに行くことは決めてました。パリやベルギー、スペインにも行きたかったので、週末とかに行けますよね。それでもう決まりでした! オックスフォードは学生の街だし、ロンドンよりも安全だと思うので良いと思います。

Where have you been staying whilst studying here? How is it?


I live with a host family. It’s really good. My host mother is very kind, she doesn’t ask me too much so I think it’s a very good relationship. Sometimes she asks me how I am and if everything is okay, but not too much so it works well.


Have you made many friends whilst you’ve been here? Where are they from?

友達はできましたか? どこの国の人ですか?

I came here in the Summer, in August, at that time there were a lot of Turkish people here so I made a lot of Turkish friends, but most of them studied quite short term and they are now gone. Now there are lots of Korean people here so I have many Korean friends. Asian people have similar taste so we can go to Korean or Japanese restaurants and enjoy food together.


Do you think you will keep in touch with you friends who have gone home?


Actually yes, they often send me messages and they really miss not only me but Kings, Oxford and the UK. When I post Instagram picture they reply to me and say that they miss it.


Where have you travelled since you have been in the UK?


First, I went to Paris by Eurostar. I was alone so I was a bit nervous, but I prefer going to a new country alone because I can go everywhere I want to go. At the Christmas holidays I went to Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and Austria with some Korean friends and one Japanese friend. It was fantastic! We are going to Paris again with some Korean friends next month. Everywhere is very near to here — from Japan everywhere is so far! Europe is many countries in the same place. I also went to Italy last week!

はじめはユーロスターでパリに行きました。ひとりだったので少しナーバスでしたが、自分の好きに色々とできる一人旅の方が好きなので良かったです。クリスマスにはスイス、ベルギー、ドイツ、オーストリアに、韓国人の友達数人と日本の友達ひとりで行きました。ほんとに良かったです! 来月、またパリに友達と行くことになってます。日本からだと遠いですが、ここからだとみんなホントに近いです! 先週はイタリアに行ってきました!

What do you think of the school’s locations it the city centre in Oxford?


I think it’s a good location - not far from bus stops and we can go everywhere we want in Oxford easily.


What would you say to anyone considering coming to Kings to study in the future?


I would say that you don’t have to worry about going to Kings because the students services staff and the teachers will help you - actually anywhere you can get help. So just come!
