On 2nd February, Kings Oxford organised an International Charity event. The evening featured live demonstrations, dances, a second-hand clothes sale, a raffle, an auction, and the opportunity to try a huge variety of international foods made by the students.
We had a fantastic turnout with over 100 students joining us in celebrating Kings’ diverse international community. Staff and students were able to try traditional homemade dishes from countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, Iran, Turkey, Saudi, Albania and many more, it was quite the spread! Alex from Georgia performed a Samurai demonstration, Yara from Ukraine performed a contemporary street dance, Asyan from Iran performed a Persian dance, and lastly, we had a traditional Chinese dance duo by two local young girls.
The event raised an incredible £800, a fantastic achievement in support of our chosen charities United World Schools, and the Oxfordshire African Caribbean Multicultural Association. United World Schools offers the opportunity for some of the world’s poorest children living in remote and marginalised communities in Southeast Asia to have access to free education. So far, they have helped over 43,000 out-of-school children and trained 1,200 teachers. The Oxford African Caribbean Multicultural Association is a new community group that is entirely self-run by a small, passionate group of people. Aiming to create and maintain an inclusive community providing people of all ages a space to gain support from each other through various group activities.
Many of the clothes that we didn’t sell were donated towards the relief effort following the devastating effects of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. A special mention to Cansin who initiated this and personally took them to Turkey to be given to those who needed them most. Thank you.
All in all, it was a fantastic event organised by the activities team and school council, along with the much-needed help from some of the teaching staff who all worked hard to plan, organise, decorate and produce such a successful fundraising event.