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Kings Bournemouth raise money for Red Nose Day

19 Mar, 2023
Kings Bournemouth raise money for Red Nose Day

On 17th March, the EFL department of Kings Bournemouth took part in Red Nose Day activities. For a small donation, which went to wonderful causes, students and teachers could buy a red nose, take a photo at in our photo booth, come to school wearing pyjamas, buy cakes and much more. Here is a snapshot of our Red Nose Day!

Wear your PJs to school

For a £1 donation, staff and students could wear their pyjamas to school on Friday. Those not wishing to wear PJs could dress head to toe in red.

Cake fair

Some of our teachers made homemade cakes and sweets for students. They could treat themselves just for £1 donation.

Pose and Nose

We were selling red noses on Friday for our Comic Relief photo booth. Students could wear a red nose and lots of other nice costumes to take funny and happy pictures.

Sponsored silence

Our EFL teacher, Muzzy did a sponsored silence for the day. This included his lessons! To communicate with students and staff members Muzzy used buzzers which were fun for everyone.

Queen Karaoke

Staff members had been nominated to sing at break time. Students purchased tokens in the reception to vote for who they wanted to see sing. Our EFL teachers Tim and Julie won the competition and sang “Don’t stop me now” by Queen wearing funny costumes.

A big shout out to everyone behind the scenes that baked, donated, created posters, and came up with ideas. The students had a great time and it was lovely to see everyone having so much fun. Big thanks to all who laughed and participated, we raised £378 and donated it to Comic Relief!

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