Since early 2020 the world has been battling a pandemic, the scale of which has not been seen for many decades. Whilst it has brought with it many challenges and uncertainties, we look at some of the positive things that Covid-19 has taught us so far.
1. The world of today is truly interconnected.
We often think of each country as a separate entity, each very different in its own right. Within a few months of the virus first emerging however, it had spread to almost every country and everyone was experiencing the same challenges.
Despite the differences and distance between places, we are all fighting the same virus. It’s a reminder of just how interconnected our world economy and societies are today.
This, in turn, serves as a useful reminder of how important it is to be able to communicate and collaborate with people from other countries and cultures, and therefore how beneficial gaining an international education can be in the world of today.
2. Our teachers and their skills are invaluable.
One thing the pandemic has taught everyone, irrespective of their location, is that teachers really are some of the most essential people in our societies.
Teachers at Kings, like the majority of dedicated teachers around the world, continually strive to help their students in their journey for happiness and success, and the pandemic has called for them to go to additional lengths in their support.
Our students are fortunate in their continued access to teachers via largely remote means, and the small class sizes at Kings has meant the extremely personal learning style and support has been able to continue.
3. Technology and science have never been more important.
Had it not been for many of the technological advances made during the last couple of decades, learning, working, and communicating in general would not have been able to continue to the same extent throughout the pandemic.
Our access to remote learning resources, online working platforms and communication channels have all been entirely reliant on the internet, and on specific apps and programs within it.
Equally, our best route out of this global crisis has involved the swift and effective development of several different vaccines, a feat only manageable because of the knowledge and skill of scientists around the world — including those at the UK’s own Oxford University and AstraZeneca, and US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.
With so many students selecting these subject areas for future study both at Kings and globally, it’s reassuring that the next generation will continue to build on today’s scientific successes.
4. Life is about balance, and well-rounded individuals thrive.
At Kings, we have always defined success not only as helping students attain academic excellence, but also ensuring they develop into well-rounded individuals, who understand the importance of leading a balanced life and who have the tools to deal with life’s many challenges.
Among other things, the pandemic has required us all to draw on skills and attributes that are associated with the notion of being well-rounded, such as adaptability, resilience, positivity, tenacity and empathy. All of which our students and staff have displayed continually throughout.
That said, there’s no doubt that challenges brought about by the pandemic have affected many people’s mental well-being, and another thing which we already knew, and the pandemic has certainly confirmed, is that it’s just as important to monitor and nurture our mental health as it is our physical health.
5. The ability to travel and live in other countries should never be taken for granted.
These days, it has become so easy to see the world and have experiences abroad that we are probably all guilty of taking it for granted.
The restrictions around travel that we have all experienced globally over this past year have made many of us realise what a privilege it is to be able to visit, and study or live in other countries — even those that are located thousands of miles away from our homes.
Hopefully, when this difficult period has come to an end, the thirst for travel and for new experiences will be greater than ever, and more and more people will be inspired to spend time in some of the other corners of this varied and fascinating world in which we live.