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Kings Brighton offers a strong alternative to traditional fee-paying boarding schools and busy state comprehensives and sixth forms.

We welcome students from a wide range of academic backgrounds and abilities and can tailor our programmes to fit each student’s needs.

  • Student-centred ethos: Personalised learning, friendly communities, results-driven ethos

  • Support and personal development: Extensive personal tutor and pastoral care team

  • Exceptionally small classes: An average of 7 students per class at GCSE and A-level

  • Leading university destinations: 86% A-level students with offers from Top 20 universities (ranking from the Times Good University Guide 2024)

  • Outstanding GCSE results: in recent results 100% 9-6 in English and English Lit, 88% 9-4 overall and 79% in Sciences

  • Outstanding A-level results: recent results include 78% A* - B overall, 77% A - C in Sciences, 86% A* - B in Humanities

  • Developing global citizenship: Share friendships and perspectives with students from around the world

  • Flexible, personalised study plans: Two-year and one-year courses, resits and retakes; option to combine GCSEs and A-levels

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"Thank you Kings – your kindness and care will always be remembered. As parents, we most certainly recommend this College and are thankful for having discovered it when we did."

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The Kings Admissions Team