Transnational partnerships

Kings is partnered with selected schools located in territories with high levels of student mobility and demand for international study.

This Kings Partner Schools network provides transnational pathways for well-prepared students to transfer either to Kings university pathway programmes in the UK and US,
or direct to university.

Partner Schools

Kings Tirana Kings Tirana

  • Full year 1 to 13 UK curriculum (blended with needs of Albanian system)
  • Programmes: GCSE, A-level, Kings Degree Pathway Programme
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Kings Yangon Kings Yangon

  • K-13 UK curriculum (no need for local blending)
  • Programmes: GCSE, A-level, Kings Degree Pathway Programme
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Kings Bangkok Kings Bangkok

  • A Kings online delivery centre
  • Programmes: GCSE, A-level, Kings Degree Pathway Programme, Pre-sessional English, Smart High School
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Kings Hanoi Kings Hanoi

  • Programmes: Kings Degree Pathway Programme, Smart High School
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Kings in China Kings in China

  • Programmes: Extended Degree Pathway Programme (2 terms China, 2 terms Bournemouth)

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Kings in Taiwan Kings in Taiwan

  • Programmes: online UK curriculum skills programme; Smart High School.
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